Art = Ideas,

Tracey Moffatt & Gary Hillberg – Montages : The Full Cut 1999-2015

This exhibition runs from Friday 15 June to Friday 31 August 2018

Venue: Samstag Museum of Art, UniSA

Experience the full suite of eight montage films by Tracey Moffatt and her collaborator Gary Hillberg, tapping into the humour and pathos of universally shared subjects such as art, revolution, love and destruction.

Samstag opening hours
Tue – Fri  10am — 5pm
Sat  9am — 5pm
Sun (15th July only)  9am – 5pm

Free event — Make sure you arrive a bit early to get the best seat! There’s no registration required.

Curated and developed by Artspace, Sydney, and touring nationally in partnership with Museums & Galleries of NSW

  • Wheelchair accessible