

Who’s leading our energy transition?

Around the world, a community energy revolution is underway. Citizens are having varied success in provoking change within the energy regimes of their countries. Energy companies, governments and regulators are operating under one paradigm while citizens demand another. South Australia is at a critical point in its transition to...

Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich gained international recognition for her courageous efforts to expose the contamination of community drinking water by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Her successful campaign won the largest financial settlement ever paid out in a direct action lawsuit in US history. Erin will be joined in conversation by cultural...

The inaugural University of South Australia Enterprise Oration

New futures need new skills, but should we think about the skills we need to create different futures? How do we interrogate future projections critically? How do we find alternatives to capitalism and globalisation? How do we design a world we can believe in?