Interactivation: designing technology for interaction

Date: 2:30 pm | Sunday 9 October 2011

Venue: RiAus Auditorium

Bert Bongers’ work aims to open up design, and to demystify technology in order to make it work (and play) for us, people. Designing an interactive technological system is about facilitating and creating opportunities for use. A good design(er) is about proposing rather than imposing, opening up rather than inhibiting, suggesting rather than enforcing, supporting rather than taking over, and gentle guiding. The designs and artworks presented in the talk are examples of a structured effort to inform his research into the design of interfaces that do just that: facilitate, propose, and guide towards co-created audiovisual results. Good design solutions by definition approach uncertainty with confidence, based on solid design research and knowledge of people’s (implicit and explicit) needs and wishes.


Interactivation: designing technology for interaction

  • Wheelchair accessible
