

Value. Money. Culture.

What is culture worth? Can we put a price on it? Should we? And if we do, what are the consequences for artists and the so-called creative industries? From economic policy to the cultural sector, what does it take to survive in the arts today?

Reinvent, rediscover and have a voice

What do startups, not-for-profits and baby boomers have in common? As the baby boomer generation moves into the next stage of life, getting older becomes disrupted. Retirement is out and people over 60 are running for president, creating new enterprises and taking on leading roles. For those who want to...

Joan of Arc

Or how to be a revolutionary. Is the contemporary individual too caught up in the anxieties of identity to become a genuine agent of change and transformation? In a world smothered by individual interests and dominant ideology masquerading as ‘ethical’ and ‘communal’, the extraordinary Joan of Arc, a true radical,...

Intercultural futures

Australian identity in the Asian century. As Australia’s national interests become increasingly bound up with the future of Asia, it seems a good time to examine how comfortable we really are with cultural diversity. How do contemporary policies hold up as Australia becomes increasingly diverse, and more integrated in...

The inaugural University of South Australia Enterprise Oration

New futures need new skills, but should we think about the skills we need to create different futures? How do we interrogate future projections critically? How do we find alternatives to capitalism and globalisation? How do we design a world we can believe in?