
Sunday 15 July

Life: its origin and evolution

1:45 pm | Sunday 15 July

Special event,

AFoI Round Table Sessions

Session cancelled

2pm | Sunday 15 July

Back by popular demand, tickets for this event have just been released with limited places available. Don't miss your chance to have a chat, ask your burning questions and share a cuppa with one of our 6 hosts – South-East Asia historian Amrita Malhi, economist Nicholas Gruen, space physiologist Thomas Smith, social commentator Jane Caro, Professor of politics John Keane and technology entrepreneur Rob Wilmot (Crowdicity).

Solo event,

A 101 on Safe Schools

2pm - 2.50pm | Sunday 15 July

What is Safe Schools, exactly? How does it work? And should parents be concerned? In the quarterly essay Moral panic 101, Benjamin Law explores how and why concerns have arisen. He discusses why parents should be furious about Safe Schools – but not for the reasons they’ve been given.