

Value. Money. Culture.

What is culture worth? Can we put a price on it? Should we? And if we do, what are the consequences for artists and the so-called creative industries? From economic policy to the cultural sector, what does it take to survive in the arts today?

The Graeme Hugo Memorial Lecture: The future of humanity does not look good

We have reached a stage in history where we have the capacity to fracture the liveability of this planet, at least for us humans. Increasing global mobility is breaking up communities and places. Intensifying globalization is rendering economics and politics more tumultuous. And climate change will cause increasing chaos....

Sleepwalking to the future

Why Australia needs a cultural policy. Australia is surrounded by a world in transformation but is refusing to face up to it. Neo-liberalism is collapsing around us. Manufacturing and mining are in decline, with agriculture a minor sector. Culture has, at the federal level, been reduced to a rump...