Posted: Monday 5 March, 2018
Art = Ideas
For 20 years The Adelaide Festival of Ideas has been a gathering point for the exchange of ideas and a celebration of the life of the mind. Since time immemorial art has provided humanity with ways to express ideas, truth and emotions in different languages.
ART=IDEAS is just that. In July 2018, alongside the Adelaide Festival of Ideas dedicated program of talks, debates and public conversations, we will celebrate and promote the rich life of the mind as explored and expressed through the arts in and around our new home base in Adelaide’s West End Precinct.
“From the outset it was my ambition that the AFoI would evolve and be inclusive of the arts as a rich tableau through which people can explore meaning and purpose – and be challenged and entertained,” says AFoI founder Greg Mackie. “Adelaide enjoys rich arts and cultural offerings year-round, and we want to help promote that. There’s much to experience beyond Mad March and October” he said.