

Flinders Investigator Lecture: Democracy’s new challenge

Runaway technology and walk-away government. Technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, with the great opportunities and challenges this entails. However, democracies, designed for predictable and deliberate change, are overwhelmed by this digital disruption, producing a public backlash in elections around the world. Reframing public debate around technology and...

What a magician taught me about politics – The AFoI Opening Oration and dedication

How political debate, from the local to the global, is confused and controlled by conjuring. This event will be one of the few opportunities Phillip has to speak his mind at a point in his career when he has given platforms to so many people’s ideas, beliefs and ideals. The...

The Graeme Hugo Memorial Lecture: The future of humanity does not look good

We have reached a stage in history where we have the capacity to fracture the liveability of this planet, at least for us humans. Increasing global mobility is breaking up communities and places. Intensifying globalization is rendering economics and politics more tumultuous. And climate change will cause increasing chaos....

Thinking Adelaide

A passion for connecting and collecting. Greg was the inaugural recipient of the Jim Bettison and Helen James Foundation Award, given to an individual whose lifetime work is of significant value and benefit to the community. Greg will present his ideas for ‘Thinking Adelaide’, a global network of thought...

20th Don Dunstan Oration: The Courage Party?

Climbing out of the political abyss. Australia is in a political abyss. How do we climb out of it? Do we need a ‘Courage Party’ to address major long term issues, such as refugees, climate change and taxation? Download a PDF of this oration

Erin Brockovich

Erin Brockovich gained international recognition for her courageous efforts to expose the contamination of community drinking water by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Her successful campaign won the largest financial settlement ever paid out in a direct action lawsuit in US history. Erin will be joined in conversation by cultural...

In a post-Brexit world

Can we manage labour migration without succumbing to fear? We need to completely rethink the way Australia regulates and approaches labour migration. Joanna advances three proposals which would improve both the regulatory design and enforcement capacity of Australia’s labour migration program. This session will provide a roadmap of how...

Athenian Democracy

Could citizens’ juries and a citizen chamber be a simple solution to a complex problem? Brexit and the rise of Donald Trump have humiliated political elites. But we led the pack in 2013 when the elites in Australia’s Parliament humiliated themselves – abolishing carbon pricing when most parliamentarians understood...

Dissent and Democracy: An Audience with Anwar Ibrahim

Introduced by Sophie Black, 2013 Adelaide Festival of Ideas Director, Hon. Jay Weatherill, Premier of South Australia, and Nick Xenophon, Senator for South Australia. In conversation with Waleed Aly on a broad range of issues relating to politics in Malaysia, Australia and the rest of the world, all in...