
All sessions

These events are all free to attend, however you may need to reserve tickets beforehand.


Being Human

9.30am - 11am | Sunday 15 July

Have you ever pondered what it is to be human? Need some help to prioritise what really matters? This 90 minute class guides us through considering our values, pondering our purpose and determining a personal design code for how to be in the world.* *Guaranteed to create more questions than answers.

In conversation,

The psychology of trauma

9.30am - 10.20am | Sunday 15 July

Trauma is a big word, and we all have some experience to attach to it. Refugees, however, bear more than most of us can understand. They flee their own country and often feel unwelcome (or worse) where they seek refuge. Each refugee’s experience is unique, so we should attend to each story.


AI and social interaction

10.30am - 11.20am | Sunday 15 July

Let’s challenge what you think you know about being human. When we manage AI as a social enabler, it offers an unprecedented capacity to connect with others. How can we use AI to minimise the growing i-generation trends of decreasing direct interaction, and increasing rates of depression, isolation and suicide?

Solo event,

Driving off a cliff? History and the ecological crisis

10.30am - 11.20am | Sunday 15 July

What use is history in a time of ecological crisis? In response to new, apocalyptic visions of the planetary past and future, historians are re-inventing their traditional scales of space and time and telling different kinds of stories, ones that recognise the agency of other creatures and the unruly power of nature.



10.30am - 11.20am | Sunday 15 July

Join Nina and Jane for a gloves-off discussion on where next for the #metoo campaign. Has anything really changed? Are women’s voices really being heard? Are the media still prioritising men’s voices?

Solo event,

Should we reclaim dead languages?

10.30am - 11.20am | Sunday 15 July

Language revival is right, beautiful, and beneficial. Ghil’ad proposes Native Tongue Title, compensation (for linguistic activities) for peoples whose mother tongue was subject to linguicide (language killing), making Indigenous tongues the official languages of their region, and erecting multi-lingual official signs, changing the lanGscape (linguistic landscape).