
All sessions

These events are all free to attend, however you may need to reserve tickets beforehand.


Daring Human

11.10am - 11.30am | Sunday 15 July

Dan’s mission is simple: To dare himself, and those he works with, to think differently and to use a humanistic approach towards growth in business, education and life. This performance talk, A Fine Balance, embodies the stages of research while presenting an inquiry into the balance of risk in creativity.

Book Launch,

Book Launch: What matters? Talking value in Australian culture

11:30am | Sunday 15 July

The time is ripe to find a better way to value our culture – by finding a better way to talk about it. This book intervenes in an important debate about the public value of culture that has become stranded between the hard heads (where the arts are just another industry) and the soft hearts (for whom they are too precious to bear dispassionate analysis).


Images of ageing

11.30am - 12.20pm | Sunday 15 July

How do images of ageing make us feel about ourselves and others? Are we telling our own narrative well – through television, film, advertising, fashion – or are we failing? Or are we simply ignoring it altogether?

In conversation,

Public value vs. dollar value

11.30am - 12.20pm | Sunday 15 July

The corporate responsibility to turn a profit often clashes with a social or environmental need to preserve a public good. Enter politics. Enter regulation. Enter conflict. Are there better ways of aligning these warring interests before the main topic of litigation becomes who should pay for the sea-walls required by global warming?


A case to answer

11.30am - 12.20pm | Sunday 15 July

What can we learn from the most extreme situation? For the first time in 25 years, we’ve brought together the defence and prosecution from Australia’s European war crimes trials. QCs Michael David and Lindy Powell for the defence and war crimes investigator Graham Blewitt join author David Bevan.

Solo event,

Futurity and fertility in transgender people’s lives

11.30am - 12.20pm | Sunday 15 July

The impact of medical treatment upon transgender people’s fertility has received increased attention. At the heart of the topic of fertility preservation lies the question of futurity. This talk explores how transgender people negotiate decisions about fertility, focusing specifically on resistance to, and engagement with, pronatalist discourse.